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  • Clarke, Malkolm (Bookboon Learning, 2016)
    Insurance is the principal device whereby western societies respond to events adversely affecting people through injury or property damage. People pay for ‘cover’, a contract with an insurance company , whereby the insurer ...
  • Kustron, Konnie G. (Bookboon Learning, 2015)
    The Internet and technology present continuing challenges to U.S. law as technology often changes faster than the law can be rewritten. The ability to access, store and the transmit information electronically challenges ...
  • Crucitti, Caterina (Bookboon Learning, 2015)
    Business Law – Now! Is a new succinct online-textbook. The author has attempted to focus and highlight the more important commercial and business applications of the areas of the law covered in todays globalised business world.
  • Eksteen, Elriene (2012)
    This book is ideal for sports managers, administrators and sports organisers running a sports club or institution. People who would like to start a new club from scratch will also benefit from this book. This book can teach ...
  • Field, Sarah (Bookboon Learning, 2016)
    Contract law permeates our lives. We make contracts for example when we purchase food and clothing, when we book a holiday, travel by bus or rent a flat. Contracts are also vital to organizations. An Introduction to Contract ...
  • Stimson, Edward S (Washington University, 1936)
    This is the fourth of a series of books and articles on the Conflict of Laws. It has been preceded by a book, "Jurisdiction and Power of Taxation," and two articles, "Jurisdiction Over Foreign Corporations" and "Conflict ...
  • Holmes, Oliver Wendell (Bookyards, 2000)
  • Langdell, C.C (Cambridge, 1908)
    EQUITY jurisdiction is a branch of the law of remedies; and as it affects, or is affected by, nearly the whole of that law, it is impossible to obtain an intelligent view of it as a whole without first taking a brief ...
  • Maine, Henry Sunmer (Bookyards, 1908)
  • Amalia, Nanda (Unimal Press, 2012-10)
  • Ariani, Rizka; Annisa; Nasution, Muhammad Edy Syahputra; Sinaga, Nurcahaya; Pratiwi, Febrina Dewi; Nuralita, Nanda; Yunafri, Andri; Chalil, Muhammad Jalaluddin Assuyuthi; Suhaymi, Ery; Hervina; Rahman, Shahrul; Eka, Amelia; Febriyanti, Eka; Siregar, Pinta Pudiyanti; Rusip, Gusbakti (UMSU Press, 2020-12)
    Dunia terkejut. Corona virus (COVID-19) yang sebelumnya merupakan virus yang bisa dan biasa menyebabkan selesma biasa, menjadi pandemi. Spekulasi bermunculan, namun kita tidak bisa hidup berdasarkan spekulasi tersebut. ...
  • Simatupang, Nursariani; Faisal (Pustaka Prima, 2017-08)
    Buku Kriminologi ini disusun sebagai refrensi bagi mahasiswa Fakultas Hukum khusunya maupun mahasiswa Fakultas lain secara umum, termasuk pihak-pihak yang ingin memahami hal-hal terkait dengan dasar-dasar Krimonologi. ...
  • Simatupang, Nursariani; Faisal (Pustaka Prima, 2018-01)
    Perlindungan terhadap anak harus diberikan sedini mungkin, agar anak dapat memikul tanggungjawabnya kelak sebagai generasi penerus bangsa. Perlindungan terhadap anak tidak hanya dilakukan oleh para orang tua, tetapi juga ...
  • Damanik, Rabukit; Sagala, Rakhmat Wahyudin; Rezeki, Tri Indah (UMSU Press, 2021-04)
    Persiapan materi yang bersifat teoritis penting artinya dalam mempersiapkan calon guru, namun latihan praktis tidak kalah pentingnya dari semua teori itu. Praktek Keterampilan Dasar Mengajar [KDM] di sekolah-sekolah merupakan ...
  • Ramadhani, Rahmat (Pustaka Prima, 2018)
    Adanya fenomena perbedaan nama subjek hak yang tertulis di dalam sertifikat hak atas tanah menunjukkan adanya kelemahan substansi dalam mewujudkan jaminan kepastian hukum sebagaimana diamanahkan oleh ...
  • Ramadhani, Rahmat (Bunda Media Grup, 2020)
    Buku ajar ini merupakan buku yang berisikan bahan ajar mata kuliah Hukum & Etika Pofesi Hukum yang dipelajari oleh mahasiswa fakultas hukum di berbagai perguruan tinggi. Buku ajar ini berupaya menguraikan ...
  • Amirrachman, Alpha (Suara Muhammadiyah, 2021-12)
    This book is the result of seventeen years of personal and intellectual journey during which I was immersed myself in travelling to various places and meeting with lots of people. During this journey, I tried to ...
  • Amirrachman, Alpha (Suara Muhammadiyah, 2021)
    T his book is the result of field study in the provinces of West Kalimantan and Banten, Indonesia with regards to the impacts and consequences of education decentralisation. The goal of this book is not to ...
  • Suhanta, Bambang (2022-01-26)
    Tujuan penelitian kali ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh kepemimpin terhadap kinerja pegawai pada Balai Besar Pengembangan Penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan Vokasi Bidang Bangunan dan Listrik Medan. Menganalisis pengaruh ...
  • Nasution, Muhammad Irfan; Ekayati, Rini; Alpi, M. Firza (UMSU PRESS, 2020-01-30)
    The Aneuk Jamee tribe is one of the tribes in the province of Aceh, with the largest population in the South Aceh Regency. From the historical side, the Aneuk Jamee tribe originated from Minang Kabau, West Sumatra Province, ...

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