The study disscussed about the distinctive features among male and female
students’ critical thinking ability that would then be discovered through paragraph
writing. The objectives of this study were to: (1) discover the distinctive features
among male and female students’s critical thinking ability, and (2) observe how
paragraph writing can determine differences in male and female students’ critical
thinking ability. This study applied a descriptive-qualitative method to analyze the
data. The source of the data was obtained from the subject Essay Writing test
results of undergraduate students of the 6th semester in the English Department
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University of Muhammadiyah
Sumatra Utara, in the academic year of 2019/2020. The technique in analyzing the
data was using the theory of Sugiyono (2016), that is to reduce, display, and
conclude the data. There were then found out what differs male and female
students’ critical thinking skills through what they wrote on the test.