The purpose of this study was to examine the speaking ability
faced by SMA Islam Al-Ulum Medan eleventh-grade high school
Article History
Received: 13-June-2024
students. The qualitative descriptive methodology is used in this Revised : 13-July-2024
study to examine the difficulties students have speaking. Accepted: 24-July-2024
Questionnaires and classroom observations provided the data for
this research. The information gathered shows that the main
speaking challenges faced by eleventh-grade pupils might be
Students' Speaking
broadly classified into two categories: linguistic and non-linguistic. Difficulties, Linguistic
According to information gathered from the questionnaire and in- Factors, Psychological
class observations, students' primary language difficulties when Factors, Speaking
speaking are related to a deficiency in vocabulary, mispronounced Ability
words, and inadequate knowledge of grammar. Non-linguistic
elements like psychological ones don't play a big part in the
primary challenges that pupils face when speaking English.
However, many pupils struggle to speak fluently, which is a
challenging task that requires the integration of linguistic and nonlinguistic. Analyzing speaking difficulties that students encounter
before or after learning English is essential.