This research deals with the cognitive domains on speaking activities in English
textbook of Junior High School grade VII. It was intended to investigate the
categories and processes of cognitive domains applied on speaking activity in the
English textbook. The method used in this study was descriptive qualitative
method. The data were gained from speaking activities written in the English
textbook entitled “When English Rings a Bell” published by Pusat Kurikulum dan
Perbukuan, Balitbang, Kemdikbud. There were 48 data of speaking activities
taken from the English textbook. The data collected were analyzed based on Miles
and Hubermann analysis model, including data reduction, data display, and
conclusion. The research findings from the analysis showed that there were only
four categories of cognitive domains realized in the English textbook for seventh
grade of Junior High School, namely; Remembering, Understanding, Applying,
and Creating while the two others (Analyzing and Evaluating) disappeared. It was
also found that there were only three kinds of speaking activities in the English
textbook realized; Information-gap Activities, Simulations, and Project-based
Activities. Meanwhile, Communication Game was any process of speaking
activity was not realized. So, it was concluded that not all categories of cognitive
domains were found on speaking activities in the English textbook and those were
not realized into the whole processes of speaking activity. Thus, the English
textbook for seventh-grade Junior High School entitled “When English Rings a
Bell” was not good enough in terms of cognitive domain distributions and
speaking activities variations. In addition, although the textbook did not include
all cognitive domains, it was still categorized as high order thinking skill-textbook
criteria because creating as one level of cognitive represent the criteria.