his study was carried out to find out the students’ achievement in simple past
tense using Single Slot Substitution Drills. The descriptive quantitative methods
was applied to describe the data. The population of this research was the second
class of SMP Negeri 3 Labuhan Deli Satu Atap , which was divided into the
experimental and control class and the total of the sample was 51 students. The
researcher gave 40 questions about simple past tense to collect the data in pre-test
and post-test. T-test formula was used by the researcher to analyze the data. In this
research, it was found that the mean of pre-test score in experimental class was
53.04 and in control class was found 47.29. Meanwhile, the mean of post-test
score which found in experimental class was 77.93 and in control class was 76.58.
It can be counted from the students’ score that tcount was 0.910, whereas the
ttable was 0.329 for = 0.05 with the degree of freedom (df) 51. It means that
tcount was higher than ttable (0.910 > 0.329) So, alternative hypothesis (Ha) was
accepted and null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected in this research. In an addition to
this result, using of Single Slot Substitution Drills had significant effect as media
in English teaching learning process.