This study deals with Multiple Theme in the Text of Secret Life of Pets Movie.
The objectives of the study were to describe the elements of Multiple Theme
(textual, interpersonal and topical Theme) used in the text of Secret Life of Pets
movie, the way how the Multiple Theme used in the text of Secret Life of Pets
movie, and to derive the most dominant elements found in the text of Secret Life
of Pets movie. The study was conducted by applying descriptive qualitative
research. The source of data was taken from the text of Secret Life of Pets Movie
that consists of 100 scenes. They consisted of 90 pages and there were 33 chosen
scenes as the data. The findings of the study were, there were three categories of
the elements of Multiple Theme found in the movie. They were textual topical,
interpersonal topical and textual interpersonal topical by the number of
occurrences were Textual Topical (TTo) was 28 (38.89%), Interpersonal Topical
(ITo) was 6 (8.33%), and Textual Interpersonal Topical (TITo) was 38 (52.78%).
There were two ways how the Multiple Theme used in the movie, they were
Unmarked and Marked Multiple Theme by the number of occurrences were
Unmarked Multiple Theme was 43 and Marked Multiple Theme was 29. So the
most dominant elements found in the text of Secret Life of Pets movie is Textual
Interpersonal Topical (TITo) amount to 38 (52.78%).