The study deals with the Expressive Speech Acts by English teachers in the
classroom interaction. The objectives of this study were (1) To find out types of
Expressive Speech Act performed by English teachers, and (2) To describe how
the expressive speech acts used by English teachers affected the hearers or the
students. This study applied a descriptive qualitative method to analyze the data.
The source of data obtained from the English teachers in SMA Unggulan CT
Foundation. The technique of data analyzing used theory of Sugiyono (2016),
started from the data reduction, data display, and the last conclusion drawing.
There were found several types of expressive speech acts used by the English
teachers, such as: expressive for attitudes, expressive for thank, expressive for
apology, expressive for wish, and expressive for complimenting. There was new
type of expressive speech acts found in the English teachers‟ expression:
expressive for leave-taking.