This study deals with theme and rheme in Ridwan Kamil’s speech. It was aimed to investigate types of theme and rheme and the most dominant types of theme and rheme in Ridwan Kamil’s speech. This study was conducted by using qualitative descriptive research. The source of data was script of Ridwan Kamil’s speech. There were 46 data of theme and rheme found in Ridwan Kamil’s speech. Specifically, 28 (60.87%) for ideational theme, 11 (23.91%) for textual theme, and 7 (15.22%) for interpersonal theme. It concluded that the Theme can be identified as that element which comes in first position in the clause, and it is one element in a particular structural configuration which taken as a whole, organizes the clause as a message. The most dominant types of theme and rheme was ideational theme with amount 28 (60.87%). It means that Ridwan Kamil’s speech based on his idea and experience to deliver in public. Moreover, Ridwan Kamil was actor or first pronoun in every his speech. He himself planned something to Bandung as Risma’s planned to Surabaya. That is why, many ideational theme found in Ridwan Kamil’s speech.