This study deal with the effect ofguided notes choral responding to the
students’ achievement in speaking. The objectives of this research are to
investigate the significant effect of guided notes choral responding to the student
achievement in speaking and to investigate the students' ability taught by guided
note choral responding technique. The population of this research was XIIIPAinSMA Swasta ERIA Medan of 2015/2016 academic year. It was an
experimental research. The population was 28 students in XII IPA 1 class and 28
students in IPA 3 class. So, the total sample was 56 students. The population was
divided into two groups; experimental groupconsisting of 28 students taught by
guided notes choral responding techniqueand control group consisting 28 students
taught by conventional technique.The data were acquired by administrating a oral
test especially describing people. The data collected were analyzed performing
experimental technique. After analyze, the result of students’ using guided notes
choral responding technique was higher than those being taught by using
conventional technique. The result of the data was t observe> t table or 4.11>1.25.
it means that the alternative hypothesis is accepted and the null hypothesis is
rejected. From determining the percentage of the influence of x variable toward y
variable in speaking test was 92.8%.