This study deals with a students‟ error analysis of cohesive devices in writing
narrative paragraph ( a case study of the seventh semester students of English
education department at FKIP UMSU).The objectives of this study were to
describe the types of grammatical cohesion found in the students‟ writing
narrative text and to analyze the error of grammatical cohesion in the students‟
writing of narrative text. There were 24 narrative texts written by seventh
semester students‟ from 10% of each of the morning and afternoon of the seventh
semester students‟ of English Department at UMSU academic years 2017/2018.
This study was conducted by using qualitative data analysis and content analysis
method. There were four types of grammatical cohesion, namely (1) Reference (2)
Substitution (3) Ellipsis (4) Conjunction. The finding of this study showed that all
types grammatical cohesion were found and showed that reference is the most
frequently used, followed by substitution, conjunction, and ellipsis in the narrative
text. Students did incorrectness in the use of reference and conjunction. In the use
of reference, many students incorrectly in using we as personal reference, their as
personal pronoun, and they as personal pronoun. In the use of conjunction,
incorrectly in use adversative conjunction.