This study deals with verbal interaction between teacher and students in the
classroom interaction. This study attempted to answer the two formulation of the
problems, namely (1) What are the styles of verbal interaction used by the teacher
in the classroom interaction, and (2) What is the dominant style of verbal
interaction used by the teacher in the classroom interaction. This study applied a
desctiptive qualitative method. The source of data was obtained from Verbal
Interaction done by English Teacher in SMP YWKA. The technique of data
analysis used theory of sugiyono (2016), namely data reduction, data display, and
conclusion drawing. The reasearch finding shows that there were two styles of
verbal interaction used by the English teacher; (1) Expressive Style and (2)
Aggressive Style. And then, the dominant style used by the teacher was
Expressive Style. The Expressive style was the dominant one because expressive
style used by everyone to get closed with the others. Including teachers: Of
course, the teacher must get closed with their students in order to have good
interaction in the classroom