This research entitled “Illocutionary Acts Uttered by The Main Character in Me
Before You Movie by Thea Sharrock: Apragmatic Analysis”. It is an attempt to find
the types of illocutionary acts and the most dominant categories of illocutionary acts
in the movie. The data have been taken from the main characters utterences in the
movie. The research on this thesis was carried out on descriptive qualitative design by
concertraining on utterences which contain illocution. The theory used in this
rresearch was taken from Searley’s theory about illocutionary acts classification. The
types of Searly’s chategories are assertive or respresentative, directive, commisive,
expressive and declarative. There are five clarifications of illocutionary acts founnd
in the Me Before You Movie with the total number of illocutionary acts uttered by
the main characters uttered by the main characters are 234. It consist of 138 number
refer to assertive (respresentative) (58.97%), 47 refer to directive (20.08%), 11 refer
to commisive (4.70%), 30 refer to expressive (12.82%) and 8 refer to declarative
(3.14%). The dominant categories of Searly’s categories of illocutionary was
assertive or respresentative total number 138 (58.97%)