This Study deals with the analysis the types of antonym in the BBC News scare
mother save the child. The objectives of this study were To find out the types of
antonym in BBC News scare mother save the child and To find out dominantly
types of a antonym in the BBC News scare mother save the child. The source of
the data was The source of data in research would be obtained from the BBC
News with the article scare mother save the child.. The BBC News published on
6th december 2016 and this research was carried out at Library of UMSU on jl
Kapten Muktar Basri No. 53 Medan. The data collected were analyzed based on
three types on antonym. They were gradable, complementary, and converse.
Indentifying the types of antonym and calculating the percentage of the
percentage of the types of the most dominantly types of antonym. The most
dominant types of antonym used in BBC News scare mother save the child was
gradable. The precentage of gradable antonym was 31 ( 46.27%), complementary
antonym was 26 ( 38.80%), and convere antonym was 10 (14.93%). It meant
gradable antonym was dominantly types by understanding and categorizing
thetypes of antonym the readers are able to use antonym accurately