The research is dealt with derogation and euphemization words in the
speech script of Donald Trump on Immigration in Phoenix. The purpose of this
research is to analyze derogation and euphemization words in the speech script.
The population of this research is taken from Donald Trump speech script on
Immigration in phoenix. The technique for analyzing the data is done through
qualitative analysis. The activities of qualitative analysis consists of data
reduction, data display and conclusion drawing/verification (Analysis of Hales
and Hubberman in Sugiyono, 2017). From the data analysis, it is acknowledged
that the used of derogation and euphemization words in the speech script have
explained the dichotomy of negative self-representation and positive selfrepresentation
by using van Dijk’s framework (2004) in politic, ideology and
discourse which has been done by Donald Trump. The conclusion of this research
is the used of derogation and euphemization words are able to make people feel
enthusiast, the chosen words serves the aim of reflecting and expressing the desire
ideology and point of view of the speaker. Moreover, the words had the intention
to lead to potential effects that the speaker wanted to achieve on the listeners. As
stated by (Ferrari, 2007) The concept of nation‘ makes people identify themselves
socially, culturally and politically. It is also given that political discourse is
intrinsically persuasive and always informs a power relation. Persuasive processes
are analyzed to see how certain ideologies are constructed and transmitted. This
study shows how the national feelings of the citizens can be touched upon
persuasive processes, the selection of right words, phrases and linguistic plays
through which the people can be led into patriotism