The objectives were 1) to investigate the students’ ability in using transition
signals in completing paragraph and 2) to investigate the students’ difficulties in
using transition signals in completing paragraph. The research design in this
research is descriptive quantitative method. The location and time in this research
was in Jln. Kapt. Mukhtar Basri Medan. The population of this research was the
sixth grade students of University Muhammadiyah of North Sumatera 2016/2017
Academic year which consist of 324 students’. There were 63 sample taken from
4 classes. The research was used Random sampling. The Instrument of this test is
a Completing paragraph test. The students were written an answer based on the
thesis statement provided by the researcher. After that, the researcher taken the
students answer sheet. The finding showed that 34 students of the sample were
able and 29 students were unable in answer the test. Where there were 13 students
(21%) categorized as very good, 21 students (33%) categorized as good, there
were 22 students (35%) categorized as poor and there were 7 students (11%)
categorized as very poor