This study described the mood system applied in food and cigarette slogan
advertisement. The objectives of the study were (1) to describe the types of mood
system applied in food and cigarette slogan, (2) to describe the use of slogans in
food and cigarette advertisement. The design of the research was qualitative
approach. The data of this research were consist of ten food and cigarette slogans
advertisement which were written in English and published in television in year
2016 up to 2017. The analysis of the data used the following steps: firstly,
watched advertisement from television, selected the slogan of food and cigarette
advertisement which were published in English only then transcribing them on the
paper, analyzed each slogan based on the Mood and Residue Element, described
the function of slogan. The last, researcher drew the conclusion of this study. The
result of data analysis show that there are four types of mood system found in
food and cigarette slogans advertisement namely declarative, interrogative,
imperative and exclamative mood. Declarative mood found in food and cigarette
slogan functions to give brief information about the product offered Imperative
mood found in cigarette slogan functions to ask the customer trying the product or
ask the customer in this case is the man to act like how the man should be while
imperative in food slogan functions to ask the customer to buy and try the product
offered. Interrogative mood just found in food slogan and functions to challenge
the customer whether or not they want to taste the product. Exclamative mood just
found in cigarette slogan and functions to express emotion of launching new