This study deals with the use of grammatical metaphor in one direction album made in the a.m
and use types of ideational metaphor code ( transitivity). The objectives of the study were to
describe the types of ideational metaphor code and find out the most dominant one. This research
was carried out by using descriptive qualitative method. The data were collected from choosing
one direction album made in the a.m. There were seventeen songs found and seventeen songs
were taken to be analyzed. The technique used to analyzed the data obtained was by identifying
the ideational metaphor, classifying the ideational metaphor into their types, and taking the
percentage to get the most dominant type. There were 129 ideational metaphor used in one
direction album made in the a.m. the finding of the data analysis showed that six types of
ideational metaphor namely material process with the amount 20 (15.5%), mental process 47
(36.4%), relational process 25 (19.3%), behavioral process 10 (7.8%), verbal process 14 (11%),
and existential process 13 (10.0%) were realized in the album made the a.m . From all types of
ideational metaphor, it was found that the most dominant type was mental process with the
amount 47 (36.4%).