The study deals with the study of Grammatical Errors on the Student’ Assignment in Essay Writing. The objectives of this study, were to find out the types of error and describes the causes of errors on the students’
essay writing assignment. Descriptive qualitative method was applied on this research. By using random sampling technique 20% or 68 students’ writing assignment taken as the source of data from the total 325
students writing assignment. Miles and Huberman’s (2012) theories was used in analyzing the data due to three steps ; data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusion. The result shows there were several
types of error found in the students’ essay writing assignment : omission, addition, misformation and misordering. There were also found the new types of error, there are the combination of misformation
and omission, and the combination of misformation and addition. The causes of error were intralingual interference, interlingual interference and carelessness. The error of omission and addition were caused by
carelessness when the learner is not deliberate to do mistake, but the result showed that is was the mistake. Next, the error of misformation was caused by intralingual interference, thus the learner made incorrect
structure form in the writing. The last, the error of misordering was caused by interlingual interference, where the learner puts the sentence into wrong order.