The research deals with speech function on conversation in traditional market in
Medan. The data were analyzed based on 4 types of Speech Function suggested
by Halliday (2014). The objectives of this study were to describe the type of
speech function and the way of conversation which are used by buyer and seller in
traditional market in Medan. The scope of the study was focused in functional
grammar and limited on four basic types of speech function. This research was
taken from the utterances between buyer and seller in traditional market in “Pajak
Yuka”. The researcher took the data as many as he got. The total numbers of
utterances were 86 . There were 44 of question, 16 command, 14 of statement, and
12 of Offer. There were 4 types of speech functions that was found in traditional
market. The dominant type of speech function was question. The way of
conversation by buyer and seller influenced by culture and place. Mostly they
were used their mother language.