The objective of this research was to find out the effect of applying cooperative
integrated reading composition method to students achievement in descriptive
text. This reserch was conducted at SMP Al hikmahMedan ,jalanmarelan 1 pasar
4 kecamatanmedanmarelan. The population of this research was the IX
gredestudentsof the academic year 2017/2018. There were 7 clasessconsiting 128
students. The sample was of 60 students were taken by using random smpling.
The sample devided into 2 classes , the experimental group which consisted of
30 students though by using CIRC . and control group consisted 30 students by
using lecturing method. Multiple choice test was used as the instrument. Each
group was given a pre test , treatment and post test. The result of this research
showed that t- test ( 6.94) was higher than t- table ( 2.00) and degree of freedom
(df) was 58. The final hyphotesis showed that Ho was rejected and Ha was
accepted . It means that there was a significant effect of using CIRC Method .