This study deals with the presupposition of Anies Baswedan’ statements in
the interview with Stanford Humanities Center. The objective of this study were
to find out the types of presupposition and to comprehend the presupposition of
the selected uttered by Anie Baswedan. The source of data for this research were
collected from the script of the interview, all the data related to the presupposition.
The research design of this study was descriptive method.
Technique of data collection used was documentary method where the data
collected by categorizing and classifying the written document that has relation
with the problem discussed. The steps in collecting data were transccribing the
data, reading the script of the interview of Anies Baswedan with Stanford
Humanities Center than underlining the selected utterances that has
presupposition, classified them in each types of presupposition based on Yule’s
The results showed that in the interview there were all of the six types of
presupposition, namely existensial, factive, lexical, structural, non-factive and
counterfactual presupposition. It was found that Anies Baswedan presupposed 30
data or 51.7% of existensial presupposition. Then there were 15 data or 25.8% of
factive presupposition. For lexical presupposition there were 7 data or 12.1%.
Then 2 data or 3.4% for each structural, non-factive, and counterfactual