The objective of this research was to find out the effect of Using Clustering
Technique on the Students’ Achievement in Writing Assisted by T-Card With
Keywords. This research applied experimental research design namely one group
pre-test and post-test. The population of this research was taken from the Eight
grade students of junior high school in SMP Muhammadiyah 04 Medan Jl. Kapten
Muslim Gg. Jawa Lr. Muhammadiyah at academic 2017/2018. The researcher
used total sampling. Therefore, the researcher took one classes with total number
of sample was 35 students. The researcher was give treatment by clustering
technique. The instrument of collecting data is writing test. The data were
analyzed by using t-test formula. The mean of pre-test increases after clustering
technique from 62.05 to 80.45. The value of the effect was 64%. The result of the
data showed that was higher than (7.7>2.03452) with degree of
freedom (df) = n-k. The hypothesis was accepted. It proves that Clustering
Technique significantly effect to the students’ achievement in writing.