This research was aimed to investigate the effect of applying content purpose and
audience (CPA) strategy on the students’ achievement in writing descriptive text and
it was applied an the experimental research. The population of this research was the
second grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 07 Medan at academic year 2017/2018. The
research class was divided into two classes, Experimental Class (30 students) and
Control Class (28 students). The instrument of collecting data was essay test of
writing test which was administrated to the students and it was taken from the
Students’ English textbook. The data were analyzed by using t-test formula. After
analyzing the data, it was found that t-observed (2.10) which was greater than t-table
(2.00) with the significant level ɑ = 0.05 and the degree of freedom (df) = 56. The
finding showed that the hypothesis of the study was accepted. It means that applying
CPA Strategy was significantly effective to the students’ achievement in writing
descriptive text