This study deals with The Use of Advance Organizer Strategy Assisted By
Concept Mapping as Teaching Media to Improve Students’ Critical In Reading
Comprehension. This study was grade VIII 2 State Junior High school 2 Percut
Sei Tuan consisted of 34 students. The data of this study were obtained by using
test, observation sheet, interview sheet and diary notes. Based on the analysis, it
was found that the students, achievement improved from the Pre- test, the basic
knowledge of students’ achievement, the first cycle and the second cycle test
using Advance Organizer Strategy it is a teaching strategy that available to
teacher in processing, understanding and remembering the newly presented
material. In pre-test, the mean of the students’ score was 51.82 without
treatment, in the first cycle test was 69.14 and the mean of the students’ score of
the second cycle was 82.17 the teaching material had taught systematically so
the students were more active and enthusiast in following the lesson. It can be
concluded that teaching reading comprehension throught advance organizer
strategy can improve students’ critical in reading comprehension.