This study was deal with the optimism and pessimism in Hazel Grace of Jhon
Green’s The Fault In Our Stars novel. This research reviews the literature
examining connections involving the key constructs of optimism and pessimism.
Individual differences in charaterisrics such as optimism and pessimism have been
shown to contribute to variability in distress during stressful situations. The write
try to analyze how the optimism and pessimism can be correlated to literature and
how illness can be reflect to the main character from the novel entitled The Fault
In Our Stars. The most dominant type of optimism from this research is
dispositional optimism and the most dominant type of pessimism from this
research is dispositional pessimism. The optimism and pessimism can effect to
someone’s life caused by some factors such as illness and depressed like the main
character from The Fault In Our Stars novel