Vocabulary is one of the language components that needed in mastering
English. So, when the students communicate using English language, they need
not only in grammar but also in vocabulary. This research was conducted by
applying a quantitative research with an experimental research. This research is
focused on finding out the students‘ achievement in vocabulary using hidden
object game, finding out the students‘ achievement in vocabulary using written
vocabulary list, and describing the significant effect of the students‘ achievement
in vocabulary by using hidden object game. The limitation is the vocabulary
materials found in junior high school based on the textbook of MTSN 3 Medan
Jalan Melati No. 13 Perumnas Helvetia Medan of academic year 2019/2020 which
are suited with the hidden object game pictures are taken from Hidden Picture 1,
Learns as You Play composed by Boyd.Mills. Based on the result obtained there
is an increment in students' vocabulary mastery by using Hidden Object Game and
it is higher than using written vocabulary test but there is not any increment in
students' vocabulary mastery by using written vocabulary list and it is lower than
using Hidden Object Game.With ∑X1 = 2530 meanwhile ∑X2 is 2805 and the
Mean of the students before applying the Hidden object game = 79 meanwhile the
mean of the students after applying the Hidden object game = 87. This calculation
means that there is an effect in students‘ achievement in mastering the vocabulary
by using Hidden Object Game. The findings of this research are expected for
students that they will be able to improve their vocabulary in English. For
teachers, it is useful for using a better strategy in teaching vocabulary and
understand the teaching writing through the hidden object game. And finally, for
other researcher, as the reference for other researchers to conduct a research in
English vocabulary. The hidden object game can be another consideration for
them in determining a topic or a problem that related to vocabulary by using a
useful method.