This study deals with the effect of applying Cooperative Integrated Reading and
Composition. This is an experimental research which applied Reading
Comprehension using quantitative method. The objective of the research was to
investigate the effect of Applying Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition
to the Students’ Achievement in Reading Comprehension. This research was
conducted in SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Medan. The population of this research was the
VIII grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Medan. Total sampling technique was applied
to take the sample. The experimental group, class VIII-2 was taught by using
Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition and Control Group, class VIII-1
was taught by using conventional Method. The instrument used in collecting data was
multiple choices. The total items of the test was 20 items. The finding test shows that
tobservewas higher than ttable ( 11.483 > 2.056). Program got significant Effect of
Applying Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition Strategy to the students’
Achievement in Reading Comprehension.