The study deals with the effect of using anticipation guide method in reading
comprehension. The experimental research conducted to acquire the data. The
research based on the quantitative method. The population was 2019/2020 of the
two grade students Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Tapanuli Tengah. The
number of population were 54 students. The limitation of research of narrative
text.The test was ten items of questions multiple choice. Each correct answer
was given 1 score and incorrect answer was given 0 score. The finding showed
that the students who taught by using Anticipation guide method got the better
score than those who taught by using reading method. From this research, it was
found that using anticipation guide method could cause positive effect on the
students’ achievement in reading comprehension, which was proven from the
result of analysis showed t-observed was higher than t-table 15.87 > 2.00. the result
showed that the hypothesis had significant effect of using Anticipation Guide
Method on the students’ achievement in reading comprehension