The study deal with the analysis grammatical study of passive voice in novel
The Hobbit written J.r.r Tolkien. The objectives of the study were:1.To find out
types of passive voice that used in novel The Hobbit, 2. To describe how types of
passive voice used in novel The Hobbit and 3.To investigate why the reason types
of passive voice were dominantly in novel The Hobbit. The source of data were
taken from novel The Hobbit Written J.R.R Tolkien. Descriptive qualitative
method was applied in analyzing data. Thus, in doing this research, library
research was applied to analyze the data. After that, all the data obtained in the
hobbit’s novel. there were 123 data as types of passive voice. There were 3 types
of passive voice used in The Hobbit’s novel, they were , they were Agentive
Passive with agent 31 data (25%), agentive passive without agent 48 data (39%),
quassive passive 36 data (29%), and non agentive passive 8 data (6.5%). In this
research, the types was dominantly was agentive passive without agent. Each
types of passive voice had different grammatical structure which was depended on
past participle in the sentence. In addition, not all of passive sentences had an
agent, so it could be implied