The study deals with The Realization Questioning Strategy by Male and
Female Teacher in The Classroom Interaction. A Case Study at SMA Sinar
Husni Medan. This research is mainly aimed to investigate the type of
questioning strategy is used by english teacher and to investigate the realization
of questioning strategy. This research was applied descriptive qualitative,
method which is concern at investigating the teachers talk and student talk in
the classroom interaction by which taken through classroom observation,
questionaire and video recording. The result of this research there were two
types of questioning strategy commonly used by english teacher, there are
display questions and referential questions. The total percentage of display
question 74 % and referential questions 26 %. The function of the questions
was aroused interest and curiosity concerning a topic, to focus attention on a
particular issue or aspect to develop an active approach to learning, to stimulate
pupils to ask questions of themselves and others, to check learner’s
understanding, to elicit information and to control the classroom