This research deals with the effect of applying brainstorming technique assisted
by spinner board game on the students’ speaking achievement. This research was
conducted at SMA AL-HIKMAH Medan. The population of this research was
taken from the XI grade students’ academic year 2019/2020 of SMA ALHIKMAH
Medan, Sumatera Utara, which consists of three parallel class. There
were XI MIA 1, XI MIA 2, and XI IPS 1. Class XI MIA 1 consists of 40 students,
class XI MIA 2 consists of 40 students, and XI IPS 1 consists of 35 students
where XI MIA 1 and XI MIA 2 class were taken as the sample of this research. It
used the purposive sampling technique. The experimental quantitative research
was applied in this research. The experimental quantitative was research with two
different groups, experimental that consist of 40 students and control group
consist of 40 students. The result of analysis showed that 5,2590 as tobserve > 2,024
as ttable where t-observed was higher than t-table. The result showed that
hypothesis was accepted. It mean that there was a significant effect of applying
brainstorming technique assisted by spinner board game on the students’ speaking