This study is aim to describe the improvement of the students’ achievement in
reading narrative text through the implementation of Cooperative Integrated
Reading Composition Method. This is a classroom action research which was
conducted in two cycles. The subject of this research is the eighth grade of SMP
Budi Satrya, Jl. Letda Sudjono, Medan, which was chosen by using purposive
sampling method. A multiple choice test consist 20 (twenty) items were
administrated to the students’ in pre-test, post-test 1, and post-test 2 to gain the
data of the students’ improvement. The results showed the student improvement
from the increasing of the students’ score and the students’ completeness. The
increasing of students’ total score from pre test was 1.950 with the mean 69,64
into 2.214 with the mean was 79,07 in post test cycle 1, and 2.438 with the mean
was 87,07 in post test cycle 2. The students’ completeness was also rising from
0% in pre test into post test 39% in cycle 1, and 89,3% in post test cycle 2.
Therefore the implementation of Cooperative Integrated Reading Composition
Method can improved the students’ achievement in reading narrative text.