The aim of this thesis is to find out role-playing method to improve student
speaking ability. Does this affect the progress of speaking achievement at Sirajul
Huda Middle School on Jalan Masjid /Ahmad Sebayar No 44 or not? Role-play is
learning using the drama method in learning which invites students to actively
learn. Researchers used a quasi-experimental design to conduct research. The
instruments used in this research are tests, namely post-test, pre-test and
observation. The number of post and pre-tests is 30 questions, 30 multiple choice
and 30 essays. Researchers used a time-series design where three pre-tests and
post-tests were required.This sample was taken from 30 students from the
experimental class and the control class. The population of research is grade eight.
The results of the research show the effectiveness of role-playing method to
improve student speaking in the first cycle, the highest score was 52 and the
lowest was 48, in the second cycle the highest was 60 and the lowest was 56, and
in the third cycle the highest was 72 and the lowest was 64.
Based on quantitative descriptive, this shows that the role playing method
influences the progress of students' speaking achievement. This means that the
role playing method in teaching speaking is effective for improving students'
speaking skills. The results show that based on the analysis that has been carried
out, the researchers found that there was a very significant difference in students'
speaking achievement after being taught using the role-play method. The research
results showed that the average student pre-test score was 150. Then, the average
student post-test score was 170.4. Apart from data results, researchers also
obtained results based on observations. This shows that students become active,
confident, and fun after being taught using the roe-play method and not only
students but researchers can also solve problems in improving students' English
speaking. So, it can be concluded that the use of the role-play method is effective
in teaching speaking for class VIII-2 junior high school.