This research aimed to find out the effectiveness of using Visual Auditory Kinesthetic
(VAK) on students’ vocabulary mastery at the SMP Asuhan Jaya Medan in the
2023/2024 academic year. This research is an experimental research. Then the two
classes obtained by random sampling were used as research sample. The population
taken in this research class VIII 50 students and the sample taken in this research
consisted of 2 classes, VIII-A as experimental group 25 students and VIII-B as
control group 25 students. The experimental group uses visual auditory kinesthetic
(VAK) while the control group uses the conventional method. The instrument of this
research had 20-item tests, 5 numbers of matching tests, 10 numbers of gap-filling
tests, and 5 numbers of arranged tests. The results of the 2 classes show that the use
of visual auditory kinesthetic is higher than the conventional method. It could be saw
of the students’ mean scores in the pre-test experimental group (32.52) and post-test
(84.24), while from the control group pre-test (32.44) and post-test (78.68). In this
case, the VAK learning style model was effective to be used to teach vocabulary.
Based on the research findings, it could be concluded that using the visual auditory
kinesthetic (VAK) learning style model was effective in teaching and learning on
students’ vocabulary mastery. In other words, the null hypothesis (H0) was rejected
and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted.