Advertising is one of the essential types of mass communication expected to
persuade people to buy a product or service. In advertising, the use of language
must be persuasive because it affects to influence consumers to buy these goods.
Using figurative expressions in advertising is one way to attract the attention of
consumers. This qualitative study aims to determine the types of figurative
expressions and functions used in advertised cosmetic advertisements on
Indonesian television. The data of this research are cosmetic advertisements that
are broadcast on Indonesian television in 2022 which express English figurative
expressions in advertising slogans. Based on the 10 data identified, the researchers
find that all of them share figurative expressions of various kinds. dominant
figurative. The expression find in this research is hyperbole. It has been found that
from 10 advertisements, After analyzing the data obtained in Cosmetic
Advertisements on Television, there are 5 figurative language in Cosmetic
Advertisements. There are: Personification, Repetition, Hyperbole, Metaphor and