This research was analyzed Multimodal Semiotics analysis of Javanese wedding
ceremony which focused on Temu Manten procession. This analysis was focused
on the verbal and non-verbal (visual) of Temu Manten procession. It was limited
to describe the meaning embodied of each semiotic aspect by using Kress & Van
Leeuwen teories. This research aims to analyze and describe : (1) The Multimodal
Semiotic elements realized in the Temu Manten procession in a traditional
Javanese wedding ceremony (2) The meaning embodied in the Temu Manten
procession in a traditional Javanese wedding ceremony. This research was used
descriptive qualitative method by Miles, Huberman, and Saldana. The data source
of this research was obtained from one of the wedding ceremony of researcher‘s
friend, Siti Rukaya and her husband was in Labuhan Batu Utara, Aek Kanopan
city, Desa Tarutung Gelugur. Temu Manten procession, a traditional Javanese
wedding ceremony has seven processions were semiotic multimodal elements that
are realized in it; each element is interconnected in producing meaning. These
elements are visual elements in the form of objects, colors, and participants; audio
elements in the form of music sounds; gesture elements in the form of body
language and facial expressions; and spatial elements in the form of distance.
Temu Manten is a requirement that must be followed to formally declare to the
two couples that they have become husband and wife. It also serves to express the
couple's desire to be united as a legal couple in order to be under Allah's blessing
and protection at all times.