The research deals with students' listening barriers at University of
Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara. The objective of this research is to know the
students' listening barriers. The population of this research was 24 students.
Questionnaire primary data technique was applied to get the data in this study
were obtained from the answers of respondents who had filled out a questionnaire
about the barriers listening in Indonesia college. Design of research used of this
study was qualitative design. In this study the reseacher collected the data by
using questionnaire that consist of ten questions. In analyzing the data, the writer
used some steps that were given questionnaire related to students' answer about
listening barriers and listening strategies, processing the data become simple
description that focus on the listening barriers and listening strategies then
concluding the result of questionnaire. Research result such as cultural
differences, accent, unfamiliar vocabulary, and length and speed of the listening.
In other hand, quality of recorded materials in University Muhammadiyah of
Sumatera Utara already good to achieve a successfulness in their English for
Spesific Purpose. Qualities of the materials are one of the most essential elements
in the process of teaching and learning.
The listening strategies used by the students were cognitive, comprehention oriented, metacognitive, and socio-affective strategy. In cognitive strategy they
use writing note as the strategy to overcome listening difficulties, in
comprehention-oriented strategy they tend to use situational context and make
guesses, in metacognitive strategy they use to be focus to immediately translate
the word, and in the social strategy they used to ask exchange with friends in
order to overcome listening difficulties. Also, the students use memory strategies
to overcome listening barriers.