This research aimed to determine the impact of utilizing the social interactive writing for
English language learners (SWELL) Approach on EFL learners' writing skills, especially
in writing analytical exposition text. This research was conducted during the academic
year 2022/2023 at SMK PAB 2 Helvetia Medan. This quantitative research was
conducted using an experimental research design. The subjects of the study were 44
eleventh-grades students from SMK PAB 2 Helvetia Medan who were selected using a
total sampling technique and then divided into two groups. Class XI-MP 1 consists of 22
students as the Experimental Group and is taught using the SWELL method, while Class
XI-MP 2 consists of 22 students as the Control Group and is taught using the conventional
approach. The data were acquired using a pre-test and a post-test, and then analyzed using
the t-test formula in the SPSS version 22 program. The outcome indicated that the
significance level was 0.000 0.05, and the difference between the post-test mean scores
of the control and experimental groups was 77.57 and 84.40. According to the results of
the analysis, the Ha (alternative hypothesis) was accepted, while the null hypothesis was
rejected. The findings of this study indicate that the SWELL approach is more effective
than the Teacher-Centered method in improving students' writing abilities in exposition
texts at SMK PAB 2 Helvetia, where the SWELL approach was implemented.