This study arranged to describe to what extent the Junior High School Students
acquire the lexicogrammar and text structure of narrative text and to describe how
the acquisition of lexicogrammar and text structure of narrative text by the Junior
High School students develops. For the purpose of this study, qualitative narrative
research was used to describe and explain the lexicogrammar and text structure of
narrative text written by junior high school students The data of this research is
Junior High School students‟ narrative writing where the students put their ideas
of the lexicogrammar and text structure. The source of the data was the students
of SMP N 7 Medan. The subjects were the students of grade 7,8 and 9. There are
15 students chosen as the subject, 5 of the students are grade VII students (labeled
as subject 1-5), 5 of the students of grade VIII (labeled as subject 6-10) and 5
students of grade IX (labeled as subject 11-15). There are 3 technique of data
analysis, namely data condensation data display and conclusion drawing/
verification. All the components of lexicogrammar, namely, Verbs, Adjectives,
Adverbs, and Past Tense in narrative text are all used by the student of Grade 7,8,
and 9 of Junior High School in SMP Negeri 7 Medan It is found that the quality
of SFL in the students‟ writing is not equal. Most of the students‟ wrote a text
without paying atttention to the contextual meaning. Also, the students‟ capability
in playing with the words in costructing the texts is moderate. Students‟ use of
lexicogrammar and text structure in narrative text, are influenced by two factors,
they are, the students‟ cognitive development stages based on age and their
language mastery.