This research discussed about multimodal analysis in Instagram posts focused on visual and verbal elements. The aimed was to describe the implementation of visual elements and analyze the verbal elements realized in Instagram posts. There were three accounts that collected data on Instagram State Islamic University (@uinsu_official), Private Islamic Universities (@umsumedan) and (@umnalwashliyah). Data was collected by taking screenshots of posts and analyzing images to find visual and verbal elements. The method of this study was the qualitative method of Miles, Huberman and Saldana (2014), using the visual elements theory of Kress and Leeuwen (2006) and the verbal elements theory of Cheong (2004). As a result of this research found 18 images consisting of three visual elements, they are lead, display and emblem, on three official Instagram accounts of state and private Islamic universities in Medan. The most dominant visual elements is the emblem. The elements found in these posts consisted of three verbal elements, they are announcement, call and visit, and tag. The most dominant verbal elements are announcement, and call and visit.