Multimodality or multimodal discourse analysis provides the tools and techniques
to analyse texts which employ more than one mode of discourse. The objectives
of this study are (1) to identify the verbal and visual elements of English Courses
brochures advertisement and (2) to describe the representation of verbal and
visual elements of English Courses' brochures advertisement. This study used
qualitative descriptive to describe printed advertisement texts featuring verbal and
visual elements consisted in the advertisements. In this study, the data that the
writer analyzed is brochures of English Courses which located in Medan,
Indonesia. The instruments of collected data in this study are observation and
documentation. Halliday’s Ideational Function and the Representational by Kress
and van Leeuwen are used to analyze the verbal and the visual texts. The results
of the analysis found that the most common verbal element used in the brochures
is Announcement and the most common visual element used in the brochures is
Lead. The verbal and visual elements are frequently represented by Action