This study discusses A Mapping of Language Policy in the Linguistic Landscape
of Medan; Challenges and Opportunities Analysis. This research was conducted
with the aimed to investigate the realization of language policy which refer to
PERDA No.8 2017, to investigate proportion of language use in linguistic
landscape in Medan and to investigate the challenges and opportunities in
implementing PERDA No.8 2017. Descriptive qualitative method was conducted
for analysing the data, the data were focused on linguistic landscape in public
spaces in Medan as much 105 data and it was consisted of monolingual 87 data
(82.86%), bilingual 17 data (16.19%), and multilingual 1 data (0.95%). The
challenges in implementing PERDA No.8 2017 are the Bahasa Indonesia may not
be considered to have a high selling value and Indonesians don't really respect
their own language. The opportunities in implementing PERDA No.8 2017 a
government agency continues to promote the use of this regional regulation by
holding counselling, and Wajah Bahasa contests.