This research was aimed to describe the verbal interaction used by the teacher and
students conducted in the classroom and its impact on students’ speaking
achievement. This research used qualitative design to analyze the data. The data
of this study are the interaction between the teacher and the students in the
classroom. In order to analyze the data, some steps are conducted. The data was
taken by recording the classroom interaction, class room observation and
interview. The subject in this research was the grade VII-3 of MTS Negeri 3
Medan, there were 43 students and one English teacher. The researcher used
observation and recording for collecting the data. Flanders’ Interaction Analysis
was used to identify and analyze teacher-student talk in the classroom interaction.
The result of this study shows that the teacher was more active in the interaction.
Meanwhile, the students were less active than the teacher. Based on the finding,
the researcher concludes that the teacher was dominant in the classroom
interaction. The percentage of the teacher talk was 53%,whereas the students’
participation was 33%, and silence was 14 %. The language used by teacher and
students in classroom interaction dominantly is Indonesian, so there is no impact
of verbal interaction in classroom on students’ speaking achievement.