Haviza Purba. 1402050270. The Effect of Applying Treffinger Method on
Students’ Achievement In Writing Analytical Exposition Text at SMK NEGERI 1
Medan.Skripsi :English Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training
and Education, University of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara (UMSU).
Medan. 2018.
This study was attempted to investigate learning writing by applying Treffinger
Method. The objective of this research was to find out the significant effect of
applying treffinger method on students’ achievement in writing analytical exposition
text. The method of this study was an experimental research. This research had been
conducted at SMK NEGERI 1 Medan. The population of this research were the
eleven grade classes in academic year 2017/2018 which consisted 4 classes, the
researcher took 2 classes, XI PM2 was as Experimental class that consisted 26
students and UPW2 was the control class which involved 26 students. Each class
was given a pre test, treatment and post test.The control class was taught by using
conventional method meanwhile the experimental class was treated by applying
treffinger method. The instrument of this research was written. The data were
analyzed by using t-test formula. Then, the result showed that t observe (12.805) was
higher than t table (2.009). It means that the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected and
alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. In conclusion, there was the significant
effect on students’ achievement in writing analytical exposition text was more
significant than using conventional method.