The purpose of this study is to ascertain the contribution and enthusiasm of fourth graders at SD Swasta Amalyatul Huda for the TVRI's Learning from Home program. English as a foreign language is referred to as EFL, or English as a Foreign Language. The process of acquiring knowledge and honing abilities through instruction, practice, and experience piques students' strong interests and propensities. The term "educational television" refers to television that broadcasts educational content with the following goals: school pupils who are meant as learning resources that have been designed to help students learn both knowledge and morals. The descriptive qualitative method was employed in this investigation. Ten students at SD Swasta Amalyatul Huda fourth graders were used as the research subjects. Using surveys and interviews to acquire data. The process of data reduction, data display, and verification or drawing of conclusions comprises the data analysis technique. According to the study's findings, Students use the Learning from Home education program in three different ways: as a source of learning; as a source of information; and as a source of entertainment. It is known, of the 10 informants, 7 informants use it as a learning resource and have a high interest learning, 2 informants use it as a source of information and have a moderate interest learning, and 1 informant uses it for enjoyment and have a low interest learning. This indicate that the program did significantly increase students’ learning interest.