This research deals with the analysis of the category shift that found in the
translation novel The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho in Indonesian language. The
formulation of the problems for this study are some translations did not deliver the
exact purpose from the author to the translated novel’s readers and the use of
category shift for the translators. The objectives of this study is to investigate 1)
The types of category shift found in the translated novel The Alchemist and 2) The
type of category shift that found dominantly, also 3) To find the reason why is that
type of category shift is dominant. In conducting this study, the researcher was
only focusing on the analysis of category shift in the translation novel The
Alchemist and the data for this research is collected from the first 20 pages and the
last 20 pages from the novel. In conducting this study the researcher was using
descriptive qualitative method by (Matthew B. Miles, 2014). And used the
technique of documents analysis by (Flick, 2007) for collecting the data. The
researcher also used J.C. Catford’s theory about translation shift. According to
Catford, translation shift divided into two major part, which are level shift and
category shift. In this study, the researcher only focused on second one. Category
shift itself divided into four types again, namely; unit shift, class shift, structure
shift and intra-system shift. Data collected was texts from selected pages as
samples from both novel; the original one and the translation one. The result of
this study showed that four types of category shift occurred. There were Class
Shift (13%), Unit Shift (45%), Structure Shift (31%) Intra-System Shift (9%).
And from the result we can see the dominant type that occurred is Unit Shift