Tiktok is an entertainment application that features a video made by the user on
the application's main page but with the limited duration of the developer himself
while contains attractive body language. This research deals with body language
on David Soerdjana’s tiktok drama that investigate types and meanings of body
language used in it based on Charles Sanders Peirce theory (1931). This is a
qualitative research which applied Miles, Huberman, and Saldana (2014) in
analysis data. From 32 capture, all of them were belongs to representamen, object,
and interpretant. Based on Nonverbal Communication legisign, all contains facial
expression, gesture, posture, appearance, and framing technique. Meanwhile, 10
of it’s also contain interpersonal space and 20 communicative act. Thus means to
reflect a personality, the measure of body contact intent, body movement,
position, the interaction distance, and the assessment of one person to another.