The objective of this research was to describe types of metaphors found in Asma Nadia’s novel entitled Pesantren Impian and described the dominant type of metaphor. The descriptive qualitative method was applied in this study of semantic analysis in script of Asma Nadia novel. The findings were shown that there were four types of netaphors found in the novel of Asma Nadia. They were Anthropomorphic, Synesthetic, Abstract to Concrete, Animal Metaphor and also their meanings were connected to each type. The metaphorical processes in those types were most frequently applying the type of Abstract to Concrete Metaphor. It was shown that there were 116 sentences out of 135 sentences from the story selected. The use of Abstract to Concrete Metaphor was dominating the novel of Asma Nadia, and it had been as the characteristics of the novel in the metaphorical process. The results of this research could be extra information in studying semantic meaning that focused on metaphor, forms of metaphor, and metaphorical meanings.