Spoken language is different from written language. it usually has to be understood
immediately whereas written language can be read many times. Spoken language has
more words that refer to the speaker, more quantifiers and hedges, and less
abstractness.The coherent of spoken are influenced by interdependency (taxis) and
logicosemantic relation system between the clauses. This research was descriptive
qualitative research, since the date were provided descriptively. The proposed study
is aimed at analyzingsystemic functional analysis of clause complex realised in a
video adopting Hallidayan linguisticsperspective. The video was taken from the
collection of TEDx Talks entittled “The first 20 hours how to learn anything” by
Josh Kaufman. The objectives of this research were to find out the types of taxis
which cover elaboration, extension, and enhancement. Besides, it also identified
logico-semantic relation which covers projection and expansion which are
dominantly used by joshkaufmanfollowing by Gerot and Wignell’s theory (1994). In
the findings of the research, the analysis shows that the video of josh kaufman
dominantly use parataxis constructions. Where the number use of parataxis 81 which
are realized 62.30%, while hypotaxis 49 which are realized 37.69%. it’s realise that
the use of taxis and logico semantic relation is important for a cohesion language