This study deals with A Metaphorical Analysis In Utterence On Nurhadi Aldo In Social Media,which is mainly aimed to investigate type of metaphorical realized by Nurhadi Aldo, andto investigate how the metaphorical expression realized by Nurhadi Aldo in Instagram. This study was conducted by using descriptive qualitative research design. The source of data was post of Nurhadi Aldo‘s Instagram. The instrument in this study was document. The data collected were 20 metaphorical analysis from the post Nurhadi Aldo‘s Instagram. All of the three types of metaphor were used by Nurhadi Aldo, there are structural metaphor, ontological metaphor, and Orientational Metaphor. The result revealed that the total numbers of structural metaphor were 6, ontological Metaphor was 8, Orientational Metaphor was 6, based on the amount of each types of metaphor, it is concluded that Ontological of metaphor becomes the most dominant of metaphor.